Monday, March 23, 2020

Oopp Lab Work Essay Example

Oopp Lab Work Essay Create a class that registers your details by taking reg. no, name, age and mail id. Create a function that prevents duplicate entries of objects based on reg. no. (b) 2. Create a class account that maintains acc_no, name, and balance. Perform deposit, withdrawal and statement print operations. (statement print must print all the transactions that has taken place so for – use structures inside the class to maintain the details about transactions)(b) 3.Create a class that holds the details of the mobile phone like brand, imei, no of sim cards, phone numbers etc. ,. Allow user to login with their mobile no. Use a function that sends a message from that mobile. Maintain the details of the message as a static member inside the send message function and display each time all the messages sent from that mobile. (b) 4. Create a class ID_card that maintains the details in an ID card.Perform insert, update, delete and display operation through functions that takes input through referen ce parameter. (c) -5. Create a C++ program that takes employee details like ID, first name, last name, age and address. Create a class for student {name, course, regular/parttime, address}. Use friend function to check that a student with same name and address can’t be a regular student as well as an employee. c) 6. Synthesize a C++ program that has two classes (one for employee and one for student), have a separate class for address (with door no, street name, city, state) and reuse address both for employee and student. Perform insert, delete and display operations by taking choice of person (employee or student) from the user. Allow user to have more than one address also. (c) 7.Create an class that stores details about the computer (Assembled/branded, RAM, HDD, processor speed, price etc. ,). Use constructors to initialize the object and a destructor that deducts the count of object each time the object is passed to destroy function. Also use copy constructor to create a system with the configuration same as that’s of an existing system. (b) 8. Create a savings_account class that maintains the details of customers like name, phone number, accno, balance. Ensure that

Friday, March 6, 2020

Idea of democracy change or remain static duringthe Jacksoni essays

Idea of democracy change or remain static duringthe Jacksoni essays A democracy is a government by the people exercised either directly or through elected representatives, in which the common people are considered as the primary source of political people. The idea of democracy improved during the Jacksonian period in several ways, with the help of Andrew Jackson, nationalism, and industrialism. Several ways that Andrew Jackson used his power to improve the democracy were expanding voting rights, destroying banks, and developing the spoils system. Jackson was a fighter for the people; he wanted the best for the common man. The first step he took was to make sure there was an increased in voting by lowering property requirements. The qualification was now open to the common men; more adult white males were eligible to vote than ever before. This enable people to feel as though everyone had the same chance and participation in their government, "Americans no longer thought of themselves as having betters" (Dibacco 210). The second step he took was to eradicate the banks because he believed the bank was a benefactor only to those in the higher class, and it was a tool that causes a standstill for the income of those in the lower class. The destruction of the bank ensured the lower class that there is someone that cares for them, and that they do have an important position in their society. Jackson wanted everyone to be equal and have the same opportunity; he wanted the best for his country. In his quest to beautify and better the country, he developed the spoil system. The spoil system is a practice giving government jobs to political backs. Jackson believed that it didn't required much experience or education to work as a government officials, "... the duties of public office were so simple that any person of intelligence could do the work" (Dibacco 210). Jackson wanted the participation of the common man; he wanted to show that he cared for the people and that he wasn't just another high-class man tha...